What To Do After A Fire
The Recovery Guide
Helping You Recover Quickly and Safely
Brought to you by the disaster recovery professionals of 1-800-BOARDUP
“After The Fire – The Recovery Guide” offers practical steps and recommendations that will help you and your family put the pieces back together and recover from this disaster. This Guide will prepare you for the tasks ahead and help answer both your immediate and future questions.
Because they are most common, this Guide refers to fire losses, while the information provided here applies to all disasters that displace people and families.
This Guide was created by a Restoration Industry Association (RIA) certified restorer with 25 years of insurance claims and disaster restoration experience; a Chicago-area assistant fire chief with 25 years of experience in public safety; and members of the nationwide 1-800-BOARDUP Victim Assistance Team of professionals.
While we have been guiding others for a long time, our lawyers have recommended that we notify you that this Guide is not intended to be construed or used as claims consulting or legal advice.
We are not attorneys or claims adjusters, and this Guide cannot be relied upon for legal guidance and should not be used for the purpose of claim settlement.
That being said, the 1-800-BOARDUP Victim Assistance Team has assisted thousands of families through the recovery process after fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, explosions and other calamities. The 1-800-BOARDUP Victim Assistance Team is here to help you recover, one step at a time.
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What to do after the fire
Here are some important things to consider when recovering from a fire. You will find more in the downloadable PDF.
It is both your legal responsibility and your obligation under your insurance policy to secure your property, both immediately and going forward.
• To prevent personal injury, you must make sure no one has access to the site, including well-meaning friends and neighbors; curious children; and even thieves or other intruders
• You must prevent additional damage to the building and contents from exposure to residual soot, water and natural elements
You are required by the terms of your homeowner’s insurance policy to notify your insurance company within a reasonable period of time. If the fire occurs in the middle of the night, the following day is reasonable and the following week is not. The 1-800-BOARDUP Victim Assistance Team can help contact your insurance company and expedite your claim communications if you prefer.
How a parent or other adult reacts to a child following a disaster event can have a significant impact on the child’s emotional recovery. When overwhelmed, it is very easy for parents to overlook the important needs of children. Paying special attention to their emotional needs can help children recover more quickly and completely
As tempting as it is, do not re-enter your property unless your building has been inspected and you have been advised by a firefighter, building official or structural stabilization professional that it is okay to enter. If you do get the go ahead,
remember that “okay to enter” does not mean safe
to enter.